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Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012
Jumat, 13 Januari 2012
What is Affiliate Marketing?
While most think that Affiliate marketing is nothing more than selling the products or services of somebody else in return for a percentage of the sales proceeds as a commission. I personally hate selling and never consider myself as a salesman, but I am a very successful affiliate marketer and can describe affiliate marketing as following:
We all need and want products and services, and we always shop, today it’s easier to shop with the internet; and as consumers we always share our personal review of each product and service we purchase and use. When was the last time you recommended a movie, or a song or even an insurance agent to your friends and family?
We all recommend and share own review of products and services we have used and liked it, and we also give negative reviews sometimes. We do so without getting and benefits from our own experience. With affiliate marketing you can keep doing that and earn a commission from the products and services you recommended to other people.
So basically I never sell anything, I use some services online, and when I like those services I recommend them to all people I know, to my Blog readers and friends from social networks.
And yes I make a commission from those products and services. It’s fair deal for both me and the customer when he get an honest review before purchasing, and it will always cost him the same.
Just to make it clear, I want to share with you a real time example. My main business online is internet marketing and Search engine optimization. I have great experience with search engine optimization; I reached this experience after years of work with one of the best SEO companies and making a lot of friends and associates in this business. And when any new service launches that could be helpful for our SEO business I will be among the first to know about it.
Unique article wizard is one of those services, I will not discuss what it does for us, but when it launch it was a secret weapon we used to win any SEO competition online for our customers, we never shared this service until it became very popular and have now more than 8000 members using this service. It offers a high affiliate commission, and I know it works perfectly and a great service, I also know all about it. So I started to share this service with people working with me, members on my team and also subscribers on my list.
I am not going to explain the benefits, advantages and disadvantages of affiliate marketing here, my main focus on this article is to help you understand that to become successful affiliate marketer you need 2 things.
You need to understand that you are not becoming a salesman, you are not selling and if you start to sell you will fail miserably. You need to be honest loyal and a trust worthy. Recommend only services and products you have personally experienced or 100% sure it’s a great helpful products and services.
Learn internet marketing, be skeptic but very serious on learning everything about internet marketing, search engine optimization then and only then you can understand affiliate marketing and run an affiliate business online.
I hope know you know what is affiliate marketing? Yes I strongly recommend affiliate marketing as one of the best ways to make money online and starting an online home business. But not everyone tried to earn a share from this pie have succeed, more than 80% of those trying to make money with affiliate marketing are failing and only because they did not understood the basic concept I have shared with you here.
They try hard to sell something, anything and earn a commission, when even they hate to be sold to, and hate selling. So you can never succeed with something you hate.
When you see the big picture you will understand that the best way to make a lot of money with affiliate marketing is through blogs, a niche blogs that focus on one topic and discuss problems, ideas and technology related to that niche. We call it niche affiliate marketing. For an example
Here is a simple blog
This blog only discuss working from home opportunities and ideas and how to make money online. I know that it is a huge high competitive niche, but this great woman is making a lot of money by investing a lot of work on her blog.
I know here because I taught here everything she know and showed here how to make money with her blog, today she is making more than $100 a day from affiliate offers, another $2000 a month from network marketing, and she also make some money from Google adsense and selling ad space on her blog.
It’s an amazing example of a simple blog that make huge income online.
You can do the same.
I know it’s not easy and it need a lot of hard work and also some money investment to reach the amount of traffic that starts to make you money.
Some of you may look for easier and faster ways to make money online also using the power of affiliate marketing, well honestly there is one that I have personally tested and it works. It’s getting a duplicate niche affiliate sites that other affiliate marketer has created and benefit from his own work. It’s called Mass Profit Sites
It’s hard for me to know if it can work for someone who has no internet marketing experience. But it’s a risk free opportunity. You can try it and see if it works for you, you have a 60 days risk free full refund guarantee. So you can try it.
But I strongly recommend if you want to have the full package to focus only on this system, and do nothing except working this system.
Good Luck and Wish you only success.
Why Should You Join Plus500™ Affiliate Program?
Large commissions
Promote the most profitable field on the net and earn large commissions!
Promote easily
Using Google Adwords, Yahoo! Marketing, SEO and more. You can easily add conversion tracking through the affiliate account.
A multi-lingual platform
Choose between English/French/German/Arabic and more.
Great commission plans
CPA, revenue share and more.
Easy-to-read tracking reports
Track your traders activity and analyze the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.
Marketing Tools
A full suite of marketing tools to maximize your marketing efforts. Insert a pixel, banners, text ads and more.
Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011
Why MLM business leads are the MOST Important thing in your network marketing program…
January 12, 2010 By admin Leave a Comment
Having a constant source of MLM business leads or prospects is probably the MOST important thing you can have in your home based, network marketing (or MLM) business!!
I was reading some information from Black Belt Recruiting by Mike Dillard the other day and I had an epiphany.
I was wondering just exactly HOW you can tell potential prospects that THEY aren’t right for your business. I was wondering how these guys were making money hand-over-fist. I was wondering how some people are so successful and others, including myself (in the past), are so unsuccessful.
Having a constant source of MLM business leads for your business is THE key!! Nothing else matters if you don’t have that. Let me say that again.
Nothing else matters!
There are many ways to generate these leads and that is beyond the scope of this article. However, sign up for my FREE Report.
The point is, you will never be successful without having leads to recruit into your opportunity. All of the other techniques and tools are for how to work WITH those leads. The “magnetism” in Magnetic Sponsoring, the “recruiting” in Black Belt Recruiting. It all goes back to having at least 10 new leads per day.
If you AREN’T getting AT LEAST 10 new MLM Business Leads every day, get my FREE Report NOW!
Having a constant source of MLM business leads or prospects is probably the MOST important thing you can have in your home based, network marketing (or MLM) business!!
I was reading some information from Black Belt Recruiting by Mike Dillard the other day and I had an epiphany.
I was wondering just exactly HOW you can tell potential prospects that THEY aren’t right for your business. I was wondering how these guys were making money hand-over-fist. I was wondering how some people are so successful and others, including myself (in the past), are so unsuccessful.
Having a constant source of MLM business leads for your business is THE key!! Nothing else matters if you don’t have that. Let me say that again.
Nothing else matters!
There are many ways to generate these leads and that is beyond the scope of this article. However, sign up for my FREE Report.
The point is, you will never be successful without having leads to recruit into your opportunity. All of the other techniques and tools are for how to work WITH those leads. The “magnetism” in Magnetic Sponsoring, the “recruiting” in Black Belt Recruiting. It all goes back to having at least 10 new leads per day.
If you AREN’T getting AT LEAST 10 new MLM Business Leads every day, get my FREE Report NOW!
Minggu, 07 Maret 2010
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9 You can upgrade your account and earn more,faster and get payout within few seconds.
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1. All Free Members Benefits Plus New Premium Ones
2. Free Gift "SONY VAIO FW31J "
3. Paid emails worth $200! and paid links worth $200!
4. $100 for every one who will sign-up under your reflink.
5. 200 active Referrals in your downline.
6. 50% from your Referral work.
7. Unlocked 2nd and 3rd level of referrals.
8. Lifetime fee - no other fees!
8. Guaranted Payouts no taxes - hidden fees - payments.
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Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010
Program Affiliasi Di Genius Fund
Genius Investments menawarkan salah satu program afiliasi terbaik dalam industrinya. Bila Anda mereferensikan investor ke situs web kami, Anda menerima komisi 6% dari pembelian referral (investor yang Anda referensikan kepada kami) atas saham dana investasi kami dan komisi 6% atas investasi referral Anda di Rekening Genius HYDA. Komisi segera dibayarkan setelah referral Anda membeli saham dana atau investasi pada Rekening Genius HYDA.
Genius Funds menerbitkan sertifikat saham elektronik kepada investor yang memiliki lebih dari 500 saham pada salah satu dana investasi kami. Sertifikat saham kami menggunakan teknologi enkripsi mutakhir untuk mencegah pemalsuan. Setiap sertifikat saham juga tersimpan pada brankas elektronik kami dan dapat diganti jika hilang. Sertifikat mencantumkan informasi jumlah saham yang dimiliki investor, harga terjamin dari setiap saham, tanggal jatuh tempo investasi dan tanggal penerbitan sertifikat.
Apakah Anda sedang mencari rekening simpanan yang menawarkan hasil tinggi tetapi ketentuan investasinya fleksibel? Rekening Simpanan Hasil Tinggi, atau HYDA Genius menawarkan keuntungan yang termasuk tertinggi di industri namun fleksibel seperti rekening bank Anda.
HYDA Genius adalah rekening simpanan dengan bunga tetap. Rekening tersebut tidak memiliki jangka waktu penyimpanan, jadi Anda dapat menarik dana dari rekening Anda kapan saja. Bunganya dibayarkan tiap hari. Harus ada pemberitahuan sepuluh hari sebelum menarik dana dari HYDA Genius.
Suku bunga
$300-$2,000 14% Bulanan
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Besar setoran minimum adalah $300. Jika saldo Anda di bawah $300, rekening HYDA Anda tidak akan mendapatkan bunga.
Pelajari Selengkapnya di Genius Fund Investasi
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